Installation Instructions — xlwt 1.3.0 documentation › en › latestInstallation Instructions. If you want to experiment with xlwt, the easiest way to install it is to do the following in a virtualenv: pip install xlwt. If your package uses setuptools and you decide to use xlwt, then you should add it as a requirement by adding an install_requires parameter in your call to setup as follows: setup( # other stuff here install_requires=['xlwt'], )
xlwt · PyPI › project › xlwtAug 21, 2017 · pip install xlwt Quick start import xlwt from datetime import datetime style0 = xlwt . easyxf ( 'font: name Times New Roman, color-index red, bold on' , num_format_str = '#,##0.00' ) style1 = xlwt . easyxf ( num_format_str = 'D-MMM-YY' ) wb = xlwt .
xlwt · PyPI · xlwt is a fork of the pyExcelerator package, which was developed by Roman V. Kiseliov. This product includes software developed by Roman V. Kiseliov < roman @ kiseliov. ru >. xlwt uses ANTLR v 2.7.7 to generate its formula compiler. Download the file for your platform.