The second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person (which is enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is called reported ...
Direct speech: As noted earlier, the actual words uttered by a person (with no change) are quoted. Therefore, the exact words of the speaker are enclosed in ...
23.12.2020 · How to change Pronouns when making indirect? A basic formula to change pronouns is SON. 1 =1st Person S=Subject 2=2nd Person O=Object 3=3rd Person N=No Change According to this formula, the 1 st person pronoun (i.e. I, we)of reported speech will change according to the subject of reporting speech.
08.11.2020 · Create a short dialogue using direct and indirect speech. VI. Enrichment/ Remediation. For slow learners you can review them by giving simple sentences on Direct and Indirect Speech. VII. Reinforcement. For higher functioning students you can give them more advance exercises or let them write a short conversation using Direct and Indirect Speech!
Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. direct speech: 'I work in a bank ...
Tips on Direct and Indirect Speech: Tip 1: Conversion Rules as per the Reporting Verb When the reporting or principal verb is in the Past Tense, all Present tenses of the direct are changed into ...
17.10.2019 · Prepare index cards for a reported speech role-play activity. First, count out the number of index cards that you have students and write a different …
Nov 04, 2019 · First, ask one student a question. Once they answer, ask another student to report what the first student said using direct speech. Then, ask a third student to report what the first student said using indirect speech. Repeat this with new questions until all of your students have reported using both direct and indirect speech.
Nov 08, 2020 · 1. Identify direct and indirect speech 2. Change statements from direct to indirect speech 3. Create examples of direct and indirect speech. II. Subject Matter: Direct and indirect speech. Materials: 1. Practice exercises worksheets 2. Activity sheets. III.