27.10.2016 · Russian with Crazy Russian Dad: how to pronounce mysterious Russian letters Ш and Щ. #crazyrussiandadGet my Audiobook "USA vs Russia" on iTunes http://apple....
11.06.2016 · Щ is always soft, which means it should be pronounced (like most of the soft sounds) with the middle of your tongue raised to the hard palate. Third, you are not alone! My readers have asked this question before, and here are my answers: Fourth, the best way to practice pronunciation is with a native speaker.
And no, «щ» is not the same thing as «шт» [ʃt] (however, there is some historic relation). There's even a pair of words to see the difference: щука — a pike fish; штука — a thing; As usual, adding dialectal words/pronunciation may add some emotional flavor to one's speech.
15.01.2014 · Let's continue mastering the Russian alphabet - this time we will study the letter and the sound Щ! I will show you examples of how you should not pronounce ...
The letter “ш” is pronounced “shh” - like you're shushing somebody in a movie theater. The letter “щ” sounds like you are trying to pronounce “ш” while smiling ...
Jun 11, 2016 · Щ is always soft, which means it should be pronounced (like most of the soft sounds) with the middle of your tongue raised to the hard palate. Third, you are not alone! My readers have asked this question before, and here are my answers: Two pictures with the tongue position for щ and ш Another blogger answering this question
How to pronounce Щ in Russian language// Russian pronunciation//Hello! Today we'll try to improve your situation with pronunciation of Щ sound, which is qui...
Russian with Crazy Russian Dad: how to pronounce mysterious Russian letters Ш and Щ. #crazyrussiandadGet my Audiobook "USA vs Russia" on iTunes http://apple....
No, a commercial software can't serve an evidence of pronunciation. Especially, if it is about toponyms, which are usually transliterated, not transcribed (see the difference between the two). In Standard Ukrainian, «щ» is pronounced as a consonant cluster, unlike the standard Russian: UA: [ʃ t͡ʃ] RU: [ɕː]
Jul 08, 2012 · Some resources will tell you that ‘ щ ‘ is pronounced as “shch”, as in “fre sh ch eese.” This is not correct in modern Standard Russian! Although Russian words with ‘ щ ‘ are transcribed as “shch” or “sch” (e.g. борщ = borsch), the pronounciation is [ɕː] nowadays. It is basically a long, palatalized version of English’s “sh” as in “ sh ip.”
08.07.2012 · Russian 'щ' can sound a whole lot like 'ш' to the untrained, newbie ear! It is important to pronounce them both correctly, because they are both unique sounds! Some resources will tell you that 'щ' is pronounced as "shch", as in "fresh cheese." This is not correct in modern Standard Russian! Although Russian words with…