27.08.2015 · I have a batch file that opens a group of putty windows all at once -- I typically open windows to all the nodes of a database cluster at once, b/c I usually need to work on them all together. My batch file has a bunch of commands like t...
Plink (PuTTY Link) is a command-line connection tool similar to UNIX ssh . ... Plink is probably not what you want if you want to run an interactive session ...
Apr 08, 2015 · run multiple commands from a file after logging into putty from a bat file You can't log-in to PuTTY. PuTTY is an SSH client application which has no authentication. You can use PuTTY to log-in to a server computer which is providing an SSH service. Typically this would be a Linux server. It is the server that requires you log-in to it.
15.05.2017 · 4. Execute Multiple Linux Commands from a Windows File. Instead of specifying all the commands to be executed on the remote Linux server in the plink command-line, you can also put them in a text file and specify the file as a parameter to the plink. For example, create the following file called commands.txt on your Windows.
Run multiple commands from a file after logging into PuTTY from a bat file. batch file putty terminal. I have written a bat file in which I have the following: putty.exe -t - load "ABC" -l username -pw password -m "C:\Users\pathasai\Desktop\abc.txt". In my abc.txt I have written some commands which I want to be executed on PuTTY itself, but ...
May 15, 2017 · 4. Execute Multiple Linux Commands from a Windows File. Instead of specifying all the commands to be executed on the remote Linux server in the plink command-line, you can also put them in a text file and specify the file as a parameter to the plink. For example, create the following file called commands.txt on your Windows.
07.04.2015 · run multiple commands from a file after logging into putty from a bat file You can't log-in to PuTTY. PuTTY is an SSH client application which has no authentication. You can use PuTTY to log-in to a server computer which is providing an SSH service. Typically this would be a Linux server. It is the server that requires you log-in to it.
25.10.2017 · I tried to execute set of commands in putty like batch file. So I tried in the below ways, 1.Wrote 3 commands like show domain,co and dir by separating with new line and save it in different ways like .bat,.sh and .txt. 2.Now go to putty file path from command prompt and enter the command as below
Run multiple commands from a file after logging into PuTTY from a bat fileHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith t ...
Feb 19, 2014 · Type out your list of commands Highlight notepad ctr + c (or right click, copy) click on your putty window right-click once, into where you type your commands You should see all of the commands inserted into your entry box hit enter Note: I used this to enter multiple lines into cin prompts from C++ program compiled on linux.
1 I am using a batch file to launch two different applications at the same time in different command line windows. Here is what I have: start cmd /k cd Windows\System32\ diskpart.exe >NUL & diskperf.exe >NUL & Repeat for every app you want to run. I run this and it opens a new command prompt running both applications one after the other.
01.05.2016 · 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes 12 If you really want to use putty to do this you can use the below in your command prompt in Windows (this will open the putty and its terminal and execute the passed argument in you text file): putty.exe plink -ssh -load profileName -l username -pw password -m commandPath -t Or
Jul 22, 2016 · If all commands you want to execute are to be executed in the same environment/shell, you can put them to the commands.txt line by line. command1 command2 Though note that not all SSH servers do support multiple lines. Majority does though. If not, you can always use your server/shell-specific way to execute multiple commands on a single line like: