Solving ODEs in Matlab - MIT › voigtlab › BP205• Matlab has several different functions (built-ins) for the numerical solution of ODEs. These solvers can be used with the following syntax: [outputs] = function_handle(inputs) [t,state] = solver(@dstate,tspan,ICs,options) Matlab algorithm (e.g., ode45, ode23) Handle for function containing the derivatives Vector that specifiecs the
Solving ODE Symbolically in MATLAB › ~phoward › m289We can accomplish this in MATLAB with the following single command, given along with MATLAB’s output. >>y = dsolve(’Dy = y*x’,’x’) y = C1*exp(1/2*xˆ2) Notice in particular that MATLAB uses capital D to indicate the derivative and requires that the entire equation appear in single quotes. MATLAB takes t to be the independent variable
Solving ODE in MATLAB › undergraduate › researchWe can use MATLAB’s built-in dsolve(). The input and output for solving this problem in MATLAB is given below. >>y = dsolve(’Dy = y*x’,’x’) y = C1*exp(1/2*xˆ2) Notice in particular that MATLAB uses capital D to indicate the derivative and requires that the entire equation appear in single quotes. MATLAB takes t to be the independent variable