To stop the VNC server, use the vncserver command with a -kill option. A server number is provided as an argument. $ vncserver -kill :1. Killing Xvnc process ID ...
Enter the normal kill and restart commands if the server is not set up to automatically start up. These begin with a kill command, so type "vncserver -kill ...
23.03.2011 · Force Stop a VNC Server Session in UNIX & Linux. 1. Login to your operating system. Check the VNC server process in the system. 2. Kill the VNC server session based on the PID. 3. Change the directory to /tmp, find and delete the X* files. Then, go to .X11-unix folder and delete the X* files. (you can select which session you want to delete ...
15.08.2019 · Operating VNC Server at the command line. By default, VNC Server is installed in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Note that: Commands for VNC Server in Service Mode must be run with elevated privileges, for example using sudo. For VNC Server in Virtual Mode, the vncserver symlink can be substituted for vncserver-virtual.
It runs Xvnc with appropriate options and starts some X applications to be displayed in the VNC desktop. vncserver can be run with no options at all. In this ...
As you noticed, from the man vncserver : -kill :display# This kills a VNC desktop previously started with vncserver. It does this by killing the Xvnc ...
23.03.2011 · UNIX/Linux: Stop a VNC Server. Posted by ITsiti — March 23, 2011 in LINUX — 1 Comment. Execute this command at your UNIX or Linux session: # vncserver -kill :<display> This kills a VNC desktop previously started with vncserver.