26.08.2020 · With this wizard, you can create a backup to tape job or a GFS job. To create a backup to tape job, follow the next steps: Launch the New Backup To Tape Job wizard. Specify job name and description. Choose backups to archive. Choose media pools. Specify archiving options. Specify advanced job settings.
07.07.2020 · How to back up Windows 10 from your computer Windows 10 built-in backup tools. Microsoft has packaged two options for you to backup Windows 10 data: the newer File History introduced in Windows 8, or the more traditional image backup introduced in Vista but most notable from Windows 7.
22.02.2021 · Veeam Backup & Replication automatically installs agents and other required components on the machines included in the protection group. Create an Agent backup job; In the Veeam Backup & Replication console, create an agent job that will back up machines included in the protection group. Reference. For more information on agents, see the ...