Upgrading | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › lokiUpgrading Grafana Loki. Every attempt is made to keep Grafana Loki backwards compatible, such that upgrades should be low risk and low friction. Unfortunately Loki is software and software is hard and sometimes we are forced to make decisions between ease of use and ease of maintenance. If we have any expectation of difficulty upgrading we will document it here.
Upgrade guide | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › agentprometheus-instances and grafana-agents have been renamed to metricsinstances and grafanaagents respectively. This is to remain consistent with how Kubernetes names multi-word objects. As a result, you will need to update your ClusterRoles to change the path of resources.
Upgrading | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/upgrading[Output] Name grafana-loki 2.0.0 This is a major Loki release and there are some very important upgrade considerations. For the most part, there are very few impactful changes and for most this will be a seamless upgrade. 2.0.0 Upgrade Topics: IMPORTANT If you are using a docker image, read this! IMPORTANT boltdb-shipper upgrade considerations
Upgrade Grafana | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › grafanaYou can upgrade Grafana by following the same procedure as when you installed it. Upgrade Debian package. If you installed Grafana by downloading a Debian package (.deb), then you can execute the same dpkg -i command but with the new package. It will upgrade your Grafana installation. Go to the download page for the latest download links.