The Best Discord Bots and Servers |
https://top.ggTop voted bots on Join the Largest User Network on • Quests for 2k+ games • Buy 6000+ unique pets OR sell your own • Coin Economy • Leaderboards. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot!
MarriageBot | Discord Bots This is a small Discord bot intended to bring love to your Discord servers. What it does is allows two users to get married. There are no benefits or drawbacks to being married. It simply is a thing that you can do. Here’s a family tree you can make through marrying and adopting various users:
How to Add a Bot to Discord · In the down-arrow icon menu, choose “Server Settings.” On the “Server Overview” page that opens, in the sidebar to the left, choose “Roles.” Select the user role that you’d like to give permission to add bots. On the “Edit Role” page, at the top, click the “Permissions” tab. In the “Permissions” tab, turn on the “Manage Server” option.
What is a Discord Bot? | Statbot › docs › guideHow to Use Bot Commands Commands are the various operations that you can have a bot perform through sending messages in Discord. Statbot's commands primarily focus on displaying stats and configuring settings. Prefix The prefix is the most important part of the command. Bots watch for the prefix to know that the message contains a command that it needs to run.
Shine | Discord Bots is free to use music bot with support of YouTube and Spotify links or key words. We want to make Discord servers more fun and what’s more fun than listening to music with friends. Features: Custom configuration: You can change prefix and set DJ role. 24 hours music: Shine supports 24/7. Platforms supported:
How to Add Discord Bots - Droplr › how-to-use-discord-botsJun 08, 2020 · To start off, go to the Discord Developer Portal and create a “New Application”. Then, click on the “Bot” tab on the left side of your application screen. Name your bot, and click on the “Generate” token button to create a “token”, a series of numbers and letters, for your bot.