Install and Use XRDP on Ubuntu for Remote Desktop Connection › xrdp-ubuntuMay 24, 2021 · To connect to the machine you installed XRDP on, you’ll first need to install an RDP client on your local machine. I’ll be using GNOME Boxes, which can be installed with the following: sudo apt install gnome-boxes. GNOME Boxes is known more for virtual machine use, but it also supports a variety of other protocols, including XRDP.
Using XRDP (Remote Desktop) Server | StarWind Blog › blog › configuring-ubuntuJul 23, 2020 · To enable XRDP service at a system boot time we need to use sudo systemctl enable xrdp command as shown below: Enabling XRDP service to start on system startup. At this point you can reboot your Ubuntu machine (using either sudo reboot command or GUI to initiate reboot) and try to connect to it from Windows workstation using MSTSC client. For that you just fire off mstsc.exe from Run menu and after typing in your Ubuntu machine name hit Connect button.