Using YARA for Malware Detection - CISA › uscert › sitesC:\>yara32.exe -r c:\blackenergy_v3.yara c: This example will search the entire “C” drive for anything that matches the signatures provided in the fle “blackenergy_ v3.yara.”This command should be run as an administrator. If there is a hit on the signature, the output will include a line similar to the following:
Getting started — yara 4.1.0 documentation › en › stableJust download the version you want, unzip the archive, and put the yara.exe and yarac.exe binaries anywhere in your disk. Download Windows binaries. To install YARA using Scoop or Chocolatey, simply type scoop install yara or choco install yara. The integration with both Scoop and Chocolatey are not maintained their respective teams, not by the YARA authors.