20.07.2012 · Change this direct speech into reported speech: 1. “He works in a bank ... 29. She asked me how the journey was (had been). 30. She asked me how often I went to the cinema. 31. She asked me if I lived in London. 32. She asked me if he arrived (had arrived) on time. 33.
She asked me how the journey was (had been). 30. She asked me how often I went to the cinema. 31. She asked me if I lived in London. 32. ... She asked me if I had studied reported speech before. Title: Microsoft Word - Reported Questions.doc Author: Seonaid Bell Created Date:
23.12.2020 · What is Reported Speech? When we use the exact words spoken by someone, it is known as Direct Speech. For example: Rita said to Seema, “I am going to bake a cake” Here we are using the exact words spoken by Rita, however reported or Indirect speech is used when we are reporting something said by someone else but we do not use the exact words.
Change this direct speech into reported speech: 1. “He works in a bank” ... Change these direct questions into reported speech: ... “How was the journey?”.
Whenever you report a speech there's a reporting verb used like “say” or “tell”. For example: Direct speech: I love to play football. Reported speech: She said ...
14.12.2021 · Indirect Speech: She asked me how the journey was. Explanation: When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the present indefinite tense (simple present tense), then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past indefinite tense. Present Indefinite Tense > Past Indefinite Tense. And if the sentence is interrogative, we use …
23.03.2021 · Indirect speech is also known as reported speech. We use it to report on what someone has said, much like direct speech, but not as a direct quote. To show you what we mean, let’s take one of the examples from above and turn it into an indirect statement: Direct: US president: ‘I will end this pandemic’.
Dec 25, 2018 · Tense Changes in Reported Speech When changing from direct to indirect speech, you need to change the grammar in certain ways. Verb t... Như bạn nhìn thấy ở Ví dụ 1a ở hình đính kèm của người sinh ngày 12/10/2005, sự thiếu vắng hoàn toàn ba con số 3-6-9 trong ngày sinh của m...
More reported speech exercises here. Need more practice? Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. Welcome! I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Change this direct speech into reported speech: ... Change these direct questions into reported speech: ... She asked me how the journey was (had been).
“How was the journey?” ... 40. She asked me if I had studied reported speech before. Title: Microsoft Word - Reported Questions.doc Author: Seonaid Bell
So, direct speech is what someone actually says? Like 'I want to know about reported speech'?. Yes, and you report it with a reporting verb. He said he wanted ...
Grammar B1-B2: Reported speech 2: 1. Read the explanation to learn more. Grammar explanation. A reported question is when we tell someone what another person asked. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. direct speech: 'Do you like working in sales?' he asked. indirect speech: He asked me if I liked working in sales.
Reported Speech: My mother asked what time we should arrive. Notice when reporting questions, you do not need a question mark. The sentence is a statement, not a question. Using “That” in Reported Speech. In reported speech, the word that is optional. Examples: She said that she walked the dog this morning. She said she walked the dog this ...
“How was the journey?” ... Mixed Reported Speech 1 (Statements, Questions, Requests and Orders) Change the direct speech into reported speech. Choose the past ...
07.08.2020 · She asked me how the journey was. Things to Note:-In direct speech there are some exceptions. When converting from Direct to Indirect, note that the tense must be past tense. The past tense must be respective to what is used. For Example:-If a sentence has present continuous so past continuous tense is to be used
Backshifting Verbs in Reported Speech. When you quote someone in direct speech, you do not need to change any words. You simply put the exact statement between quotation marks. But when you report a statement in reported speech, you usually need to make some changes to the verbs.When reporting what someone said in the past, the tenses of the verbs in the reported …
Dec 23, 2020 · We change the first-person pronouns (I, my, us, our, me, we) as per the subject of the reporting verb in the reported speech. We change the second person pronouns (you, your, yourself) as per the object of the reporting verb in the reported speech. There is no change in the third person pronouns. For example: Direct: Rita said, “I like the book.”