HTML comment tag - W3Schools › TAGS › tag_commentDefinition and Usage. The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date. This is especially useful if you have a lot of code.
HTML Comments - W3Schools comments are not displayed in the browser, but they can help document your HTML source code. HTML Comment Tag. You can add comments to your HTML source by using the following syntax: <!-- Write your comments here --> Notice that there is an exclamation point (!) in the start tag, but not in the end tag.
HTML - Comments - Tutorialspoint - Comments. Comment is a piece of code which is ignored by any web browser. It is a good practice to add comments into your HTML code, especially in complex documents, to indicate sections of a document, and any other notes to anyone looking at the code. Comments help you and others understand your code and increases code readability.
HTML - Comments - Tutorialspoint › html › html_commentsHTML - Comments. Comment is a piece of code which is ignored by any web browser. It is a good practice to add comments into your HTML code, especially in complex documents, to indicate sections of a document, and any other notes to anyone looking at the code. Comments help you and others understand your code and increases code readability.
HTML comment tag - W3Schools HTML comment: <!--This is a ... The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date. This is especially useful if you have a lot of code.