NM-IBIS - Standardized Mortality Ratio
ibis.health.state.nm.us › resource › SMR_ISRBack to Top. Using SMR The SMR is used to compare the mortality risk of an study population to that of a standard population. It is especially applicable where the two populations have dissimilar age distributions, and in cases where direct age standardization may not be appropriate because the study population is small, or when lack of age-specific mortality rates precludes calculation of ...
HTML – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTMLHyperText Markup Language (HTML, hypertekstmarkeringsspråk) er et markeringsspråk for formatering av nettsider med hypertekst og annen informasjon som kan vises i en nettleser. HTML benyttes til å strukturere informasjon – angi noe tekst som overskrifter, avsnitt, lister og så videre – og kan, i en viss grad, brukes til å beskrive utseende og semantikki et dokument. …
HTML Formatter
https://webformatter.com/htmlHTML Formatter. Free online tool to format an ugly HTML code, making it readable and pretty, with the proper indentation. Autodetect HTML XML CSS JavaScript PHP JSON . Paste your code or drag a file here.
HTML Format - Visual Studio Marketplace
marketplace.visualstudio.com › itemsHTML Format for Visual Studio Code. Formats HTML documents by auto-indenting, wrapping and removing unnecessary whitespace while preserving newlines. Usage. To format an HTML or Handlebars document you have open, use the Format Document command. Extension Settings. editor.wordWrapColumn controls the maximum line length.
DASL | Data and Story Library
dasl.datadescription.comInstructors. Data Desk was developed by a Cornell University Statistics Professor. It is easy to learn and to use. Spend less class time on code as students point to what they want to do and drag variables onto plots and tables to specify what to do it with.