HTML pre tag - W3Schools and Usage The <pre> tag defines preformatted text. Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font, and the text preserves both spaces and line breaks. The text will be displayed exactly as written in the HTML source code. Also look at: Browser Support Global Attributes
HTML pre Tag - Learn HTML | W3Docs <pre> is used to insert a preformatted text into an HTML document. The spaces and line breaks in the text are preserved. The <pre> tag is usually used to display code, or a text (for example, a poem), where the author himself sets the location of the lines relative to each other. Text in a <pre> element is shown in a fixed-width font.
<pre> HTML Tag does <pre> HTML Tag do? The <pre> element is used to identify text that should be rendered with all line breaks and spaces intact. It is often used to preserve indenting and line breaks when displaying code blocks. Display inline Usage textual Displaying Pre-Formatted Text
HTML <pre> Tag - GeeksforGeeks · Last Updated : 21 Jun, 2021 The <pre> tag in HTML is used to define the block of preformatted text which preserves the text spaces, line breaks, tabs, and other formatting characters which are ignored by web browsers. Text in the <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font, but it can be changed using CSS.