What is ESG? | Nordea
www.nordea.com › en › what-is-esgESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. This is often called sustainability. In a business context, sustainability is about the company’s business model, i.e. how its products and services contribute to sustainable development. It is also about a company’s risk management, i.e. how it manages its own operations to minimise ...
Hva er ESG? | Morningstar
www.morningstar.no › no › newsAug 09, 2021 · Vi forklarer hva ESG betyr. Holly Black: Welcome to the Morningstar Investment ABC.We are going to go through some of the most common acronyms in the investment world which sound really confusing and off-putting, but aren't as bad as you think, and the aim is to prove that investing is as easy as ABC.
Hva er ESG? Hva betyr det når du sparer i fond? | Nordea
www.nordea.no › fond › esgHva er ESG? ESG er en engelsk forkortelse, og står for Environmental, Social and Governance. På norsk oversettes det til Miljø- , Sosiale- og Forretningsetiske forhold. Ofte blir ESG kalt bærekraftighet som handler om hvordan et selskaps produkter og tjenester bidrar til bærekraftig utvikling. ESG handler også om et selskaps risikostyring.