Hyphenated adjectives list
https://2winit.com/Files/files/benufexejezijixezakulo.pdfHyphenated adjectives list Hyphenated compound adjectives list. Hyphenated adjectives examples list. Hyphenated adjectives list pdf. English is a very creative language in the sense that new words are invented every day, and a simple way to create a new term is to make compound nouns or adjectives. So, a cold-blooded animal is a cold-blooded animal.
Hyphenated Compound Adjectives List | PDF - Scribd
www.scribd.com › doc › 87850347Hyphenated Compound Adjectives List. English-speaking tone-deaf German-speaking part-time heart-rending ham-handed all-too-common French-speaking pea-green red-blooded small-town single-breasted green-eyed big-city light-brown tight-fisted double-breasted dark-brown sure-footed meat-eating. mean-spirited broken-hearted strawberry-blonde high-functioning long-winded open-minded low-functioning blood-red close-minded fast-moving sky-blue navy-blue slow-moving snow-white up-to-date well-written ...
Hyphenated Compound Adjectives List [6klzvx81g7ng]
idoc.pub › documents › hyphenated-compoundHyphenated Compound Adjectives List English-speaking mean-spirited high-risk tone-deaf broken-hearted eye-popping German-speaking strawberry-blonde skin-deep part-time high-functioning ill-equipped heart-rending long-winded brain-draining ham-handed open-minded more-qualified all-too-common low-functioning low-risk French-speaking blood-red well-made pea-green close-minded
Hyphenated Adjectives | Get It Write Online
getitwriteonline.com › hyphenated-adjectivesMay 20, 2017 · The descriptions “too-tall-to-tango” and “bramble-covered” are also correctly hyphenated in sentence 6 because they precede the nouns they modify. Notice that we did not include the word tough in the hyphenated phrase “too-tall-to-tango” because it is a separate adjective. “Too-tall-to-tango” consists of four words but functions as a single descriptor.