Most people have learned that te amo means “I love you” in Spanish, and it does. But this is a very serious, deep love. It's used mostly between spouses and ...
This phrase translates to, “I love you.” This is not something you'd say to a long-time friend or a 2nd cousin. Saying te amo is much more romantic and ...
In Spanish, 'I like you' can be said in two ways, 'Me agradas' or 'Me caes bien.' The way of saying 'I like-like you' is 'Me gustas.' I hope this has been ...
24.05.2019 · How To Say I LIKE YOU (Romantically) in SpanishDo you have a Spanish crush? Do you like someone? Or someone who speaks Spanish likes you? Then knowing How T...
In Spanish to say ‘I like you’, you have two choices: me gustas or me caes bien. Both expressions are the direct translation for ‘I like you’. But in English, the context will help you to understand the meaning or intention of the phrase. While in Spanish, the context determines which verb to use.
For Spanish speaking people there are two meanings of “I like you”: 1.- If you are interested in having a love relationship with other person you say “Me gustas.”. 2.- If you want to tell someone that you like the personality of the other person, you say “Me caes bien.”. 1.2K views View upvotes Xlfm Angela , knows Spanish Answered 2 years ago