ishockey – Store norske leksikon · Det internasjonale ishockeyforbundet, International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), ble stiftet i Paris i 1908. Det har (per 2020) 81 medlemsland og hovedsete i Zürich i Sveits. Profesjonell ishockey startet både i USA og Canada før 1910, og den nåværende nordamerikanske eliteserien, National Hockey League (NHL), ble stiftet i 1917.
What Is An Icing In Hockey? | Ice Hockey 101 › icing-hockeyThe icing rule requires a team to skate or pass the puck out of their own zone at least to the red center line before shooting it into the offensive zone. Having to skate or pass the puck out rather than shooting it down the ice creates more opportunities for turnovers and offense. It also adds to the tension of the game for the team that is in ...
Icing (ice hockey) - Wikipedia ice hockey, icing is an infraction when a player shoots the puck over the center red line and the opposing team's red goal line, in that order, and the puck remains untouched without scoring a goal. If the puck enters the goal, then there is no icing and the goal counts. Another major exception is that a short-handedteam trying to eliminate a penal…
Icing – Wikipedia er en regel i ishockey. Den kommer til anvendelse når en spiller «skyter, slår eller forandrer retning på pucken fra sin egen banehalvdel og pucken går over motstanderlagets mållinje.» Etter en icing stoppes spillet, og det tas avslag i det feilende lagets forsvarssone. Laget som har brutt icing-regelen har ikke lov til å gjøre bytter fø…
Icing (ice hockey) - Wikipedia › wiki › Icing_(ice_hockey)In ice hockey, icing is an infraction when a player shoots the puck over the center red line and the opposing team's red goal line, in that order, and the puck remains untouched without scoring a goal. If the puck enters the goal, then there is no icing and the goal counts. Another major exception is that a short-handed team trying to eliminate a penalty may legally "ice the puck". However, the opposing team on a power play must still follow the icing rules. While an icing call is pending, the l