Team from Russia Wins World's Largest and Most Prestigious ... › media-center › 2016May 19, 2016 · NEW YORK, May 19, 2016 – St. Petersburg State University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Harvard University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology were the top medal winners in the 2016 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which concluded May 19 in Thailand. The top 2016 ACM-ICPC winners were students from St. Petersburg State University in Russia.
ACM ICPC World Finals 2016 - KTH › ~austrin › icpcACM ICPC World Finals 2016 Solution sketches Disclaimer This is an unofficial analysis of some possible ways to solve the problems of the ACM ICPC World Finals 2016. They are not intended to give a complete solution, but rather to outline some approach that can be used to solve the problem. If some of the terminology or algorithms mentioned
The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure. Through training and competition, teams challenge each other to raise the bar on the possible.