Identify the propositional phrase in the following sentence ...
www.weegy.comMay 01, 2021 · Identify the coordinating conjunction in the following sentence wherever you go on vacation, you will need to take time off work and make sure you finish any homework before you leave. Weegy: The coordinating conjunction in the following sentence: " Wherever you go on vacation, you will need to take time off work and make sure you finish any ...
In the following sentence, identify the italicized ...
www.weegy.comJan 28, 2019 · The prepositional phrase (around the boat) is an adverb. Expert answered|Masamune|Points 82774| User: In the following sentence, identify the italicized prepositional phrase as either an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase. Bill owned a dog with green eyes. Weegy: Bill owned a dog with green eyes. The prepositional phrase (with green eyes) is ...