FAQs - IEEE Open
https://open.ieee.org/about/faqsFree content usually consists of editorial material such as tables of contents, covers, advertisements, etc. This content is available to all within IEEE Xplore and it is not supported by article processing fees.. Open access content is technical in nature, peer reviewed, supported by article processing fees, and available to all.
IEEE Access - IEEE Open
open.ieee.org › publishing-options › ieee-accessIEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal, continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all of IEEE’s fields of interest. Supported by article processing charges (APCs), its hallmarks are a rapid peer review and publication process of 4 to 6 weeks with open access to all readers.
IEEE Access - DOAJ
https://doaj.org › tocThe highest fee charged by this journal is 1750 USD as publication fees (article processing charges or APCs). There is a waiver policy for these charges. Look ...
2020 IEEE Publication's Article Processing Charges List
journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/wp...2020-APC-Listing.v3-05052…Access, IEEE ACCESS IEEE N/A N/A $1,750 Aerospace and Electronic Systems Mag, IEEE M‐AES AESS $2,995 Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Trans TAES AESS $110 $200/$250 $2,045 10 6 0 Affective Computing, IEEE Trans TAFFC CS $110 $220 $2,045 12 Annals of History of Computing, IEEE M‐AHC CS $2,045