Preparation for IELTS Exam - Grammar for IELTS › IELTS › grammarGrammar for IELTS. In the IELTS test, Grammar is awarded a separate band score in both the Speaking and Writing modules. You are assessed on your ability to use correct and appropriate grammar and on the range of sentence types that you produce. Even simple sentences need to be written accurately but in order to raise your score above Band 4, you also need to be able to show that you can use some complex sentence types and have an understanding of the relevant tenses and structures.
Preparation for IELTS Exam - Grammar Exercise #13 › IELTS › grammarGrammar Exercise #13 IELTS Writing Task 1 When you write a report on a graph or chart for IELTS Writing Task 1, you should try to describe the main features. This means writing about the most important pieces of information on the graph or chart. The main features could be the highest/lowest numbers, the biggest differences, and any similarities.