Check your IELTS essay online. Correction and Evaluation ...
https://writing9.comCheck your IELTS essay online Improve your IELTS writing score within two weeks 275,890 students have used our tool to improve their band scores without paying for expensive tutoring. The service checks your essay in seconds. How does it work? Your browser does not support the video tag. The best new way to check your essay.
Check your IELTS essay online. Correction and Evaluation Service
writing9.comThis is magic for IELTS students! Writing9 improved my writing score from 5 to 6 in only 2 weeks! (I took the AIT English entry test. It has the same criteria evaluation as IELTS) . It is a very useful tool and easy to predict my test score! I am going to use it for my next retest and my university essay too.