Writing Answer Sheet - IELTS
https://ielts.ru/files/Writing Answer Sheet_Task2.pdfIELTS Writing Answer Sheet - TASK 2 Month of Academic C] General Training Test Date Day Year If you need more space to write your answet, use an additional sheet and write in the space provided to indicate how many sheets you are using: Writing Task 2 Writing Task 2 Writing Task 2 Writing Task 2 DO not write below this line
Writing Task 1 - Take IELTS
takeielts.britishcouncil.org › sites › default– Writing Task 1 Teacher’s notes Aim: Better able to meet Task Achievement Assessment Criteria (Academic) by selecting appropriate information from a diagram in order to present an overview which highlights main trends / key features. Instructions 1. Hand out graphs 1 – 5 to groups of students (it’s fine if they all have different graphs).