Publishing with IET Journals › publishing-with-iet-journalsThe benefits of publishing with us. Our current journal titles are now fully gold Open Access, allowing researchers and practitioners around the world immediate and free access to current IET Journals content. Enhanced digital capabilities on the IET Research Hub through Wiley Online Library.
IET Digital Library: FAQs › journals › joeThe Journal of Engineering is fully open access, while in the IET's other journals, open access publication is offered as an option to authors at article acceptance, following peer review. 3. What are the author fees for publishing an open access article in an IET journal?
IET Digital Library: FAQs are the author fees for publishing an open access article in an IET journal? Author fees are set at USD1150 per article with no additional charge for length, inclusion of colour or if an invoice is requested. Credit card payments can be made in USD, GBP, EUR or YEN. For authors requesting to pay by invoice, the fee will be charged in USD.