International Journal of Agriculture System › ojs › indexInternational Journal of Agriculture System. International Journal of Agriculture System (Int. J. Agr. Syst.- IJAS) is published by Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) twice a year in June and December. This journal is an academic, citation indexed, and blind peer-reviewed journal. It covers original research articles, short notes and communications ...
International Journal of Applied Sciences - IJAS › journals › IJASInternational Journal of Applied Sciences (IJAS) is publishing articles in all areas of applied sciences. IJAS is an open access peer review journal that seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the applied sciences, natural and social sciences industrial research materials science and technology, energy technology and society including impacts on the environment, climate, security, and ...
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. A journal devoted to experimental agriculture and abstracted by all the major abstracting services. It includes articles on cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases and pest, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics with ...
International Journal of Applied Science and Research
ijasr.orgInternational Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR] is multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to publish original research papers in all main branches of science (All scientific disciplines) a peer reviewed refereed bimonthly journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of ...
International Journal of Applied Science and Research
https://ijasr.orginternational journal of applied science and research [ijasr] is multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to publish original research papers in all main branches of science (all scientific disciplines) a peer reviewed refereed bimonthly journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of …
International Journal of Arts and Science Research - IJASR ... (Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology) - Impact Factor Value - 2.44. (International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research). - Impact Factor Value - 2.53. (International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology). - Impact Factor Value - 2.4.
International Scholars Journals › journal › ijasPast Hydrological Drought Characteristics of River Enyau Sub-Catchment, Northern Uganda. Assessment of soil quality under various land use practices in a humid agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Impact of CCC with nutrients on growth, physiological traits and yield of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) under rainfed condition.