www.ijat-aatsea.com/authors1.htmlIJAT AATSEA Instructions to Authors International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is an online published journal for scientific papers in all fields of agriculture and related fields. Review papers and short communication are welcome.
ijat-aatsea.com/overview.htmlIJAT-AATSEA Aims and scope International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is an open access journal and peer-review published by the Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA). The journal welcomes papers on fundamental and applied science and technology in agriculture and related fields from worldwide researchers.
www.ijat-aatsea.com/current.htmlIJAT-AATSEA. Volume17, Number6, November 2021. Table of contents. Duangkaew, P.and Monkhung, S. - Antifungal activity of Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii BL-59 to control some important postharvest diseases of mango fruits ( Mangifera indica L.). 2053-2066.
http://www.aatsea.orgAATSEA is non-profitable organization and dedicated to a mission of long-term research, education and outreach related to the modern agricultural technology in ...
ijat-aatsea.comInternational Journal of Agricultural Technology. Home Overview Publication Ethics and Malpractice Editorial Board In Press Current Issue Past Issues Instruction to Authors Submit Paper Join IJAT Contact us. update : 18 November 2021. Volume17, Number6, November 2021.
www.aatsea.org/about_aatsea.htmlAATSEA is non-profitable organization and dedicated to a mission of long-term research, education and outreach related to the modern agricultural technology in Southeast Asia. Mission. The primary mission of AATSEA is to conduct and stimulate long-term research on the relationships between members in Southeast Asia. Operation.
www.aatsea.orgAATSEA is non-profitable organization and dedicated to a mission of long-term research, education and outreach related to the modern agricultural technology in Southeast Asia. Mission. The primary mission of AATSEA is to conduct and stimulate long-term research on the relationships between members in Southeast Asia. Operation.
www.aatsea.org › about_aatsea>Supporting published scientific papers in agricultural technology through www.ijat-aatsea.com. >information distribution from AATSEA. >participation in National, Regional and International Seminar, Workshop, National and International Conference which will organize by AATSEA in Southeast Asia Countries. Benefits to AATSEA:
www.aatsea.org › icist2021 › indexThe organizing committee cordially invite you to submit the abstract of 1 page. The submission form and abstract (300 words) of A4 form are available for downloading at www.aatsea.com. Academics, researchers, scientists and all those involved, in one way or another, in various topics suggest to submit through online submission (www.aatsea.org).
ijat-aatsea.comInternational Journal of Agricultural Technology. Home Overview Publication Ethics and Malpractice Editorial Board In Press Current Issue Past Issues Instruction to Authors Submit Paper Join IJAT Contact us. update : 18 November 2021. Volume17, Number6, November 2021.
www.aatsea.org/icist2021/index.htmlThe organizing committee cordially invite you to submit the abstract of 1 page. The submission form and abstract (300 words) of A4 form are available for downloading at www.aatsea.com. Academics, researchers, scientists and all those involved, in one way or another, in various topics suggest to submit through online submission (www.aatsea.org).
www.ijat-aatsea.com/past_v17_n5.htmlBelous, O., Soytong, K. and Vasileyko, M. - Influence of exogenous growth-regulators on physiological and growth processes of dwarf mandarin cv. ‘Miagava-Vase’. 1665-1676: Dwatmadji, Suteky, T. and Sutrisno, E. - Short-term herbs supplementation on the physiological condition of Bali cattle under the Oil Palm Integration System. 1677-1684 ...