IJCA - International Journal of Computer Applications - IJCA
www.ijcaonline.orgInternational Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) is a peer reviewed journal published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS). The journal publishes papers related with topics including but not limited to Information Systems, Distributed Systems, Graphics and Imaging, Bio-informatics, Natural Language Processing, Software Testing, Human-Computer Interaction, Embedded Systems, Pattern ...
IJCA - IJCA Statistical Data
https://www.ijcaonline.org/ijca-statistical-dataCumulative statistics derived from print and online versions: International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) regularly attempts to improve the impact factor of the journal; with the help of authors, researchers, teachers and students. In this regard, we are inviting more international referees to our Reviewer list from the upcoming issues.
International Journal of Computers and Applications
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchScope. The International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA) is a unique platform for publishing novel ideas, research outcomes and fundamental advances in all aspects of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Computer Applications. This is a peer-reviewed international journal with a vision to provide the academic and industrial ...
IJCA - IJCA Statistical Data
www.ijcaonline.org › ijca-statistical-dataInternational Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) regularly attempts to improve the impact factor of the journal; with the help of authors, researchers, teachers and students. In this regard, we are inviting more international referees to our Reviewer list from the upcoming issues.