International Journal of Industrial Mathematics Journal of Industrial Mathematics (IJIM) Dear Researchers, In line with the decision Dated 1398/10/04 registered No. 62815/10 of the Directors of the Islamic Azad University, The Science and Research Branch it is agreed that a sum of 1/500/000 Rials is charged for papers submitted for review upon approval of the editor and an additional 3/500/000 Rials upon Final approval (Only ...
IJIM :: Home journal of Indian medicine is an International peer Reviewed, indexed, Online, open access monthly journal associated with Ayurveda Research and ...
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics Journal of Industrial Mathematics (IJIM) Dear Researchers, In line with the decision Dated 1398/10/04 registered No. 62815/10 of the Directors of the Islamic Azad University, The Science and Research Branch it is agreed that a sum of 1/500/000 Rials is charged for papers submitted for review upon approval of the editor and an additional 3/500/000 Rials upon Final …