IJPR | Physiotherapy | International Journal of ...
https://www.ijmhr.org/ijpr.htmlInternational Journal of Physiotherapy and Research (IJPR), is an Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Bimonthly Publishing Online/Print Journal with ISSN 2321-1822 (O) 2321-8975 (P), Scope of the Journal Includes various aspects of Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy) Research, that contains Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Letter to the …
Home Page [ijpronline.com]
ijpronline.comIJPRONLINE. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR) an International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN -0975-2366) (An official publication of Association of Indian pharmacist-AIP) is established in the year 2009.People from various avenues of pharmacy profession, who have come together in a single platform to redefine the structure of pharmacy …
ABOUT US - ijpronline.com
www.ijpronline.com/AboutUs.aspxABOUT US: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR) an International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN -0975-2366) (An official publication of Association of Indian pharmacist-AIP) is established in the year 2009. People from various avenues of pharmacy profession, who have come together in a single platform to redefine the structure of pharmacy …
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR)
www.ijprjournals.comInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. People from various avenues of pharmacy profession, who have come together in a single platform to redefine the structure of pharmacy profession in the country, where it is seen only as an industry oriented profession. IJPR is peer reviewed online journal which is also available in print version.
International journal of pharmacology research - Home
ijprjournal.orgInternational Journal of Pharmacy. International Journal of pharmacology research is an international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, scheduled to appear bi-annual and serve as a means for scientific information exchange in the international pharmaceutical forum.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR)
www.ijprjournals.comInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. People from various avenues of pharmacy profession, who have come together in a single platform to redefine the structure of pharmacy profession in the country, where it is seen only as an industry oriented profession. IJPR is peer reviewed online journal which is also available in print version.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
https://www.ijsr.netAbout the Journal. This is an Open Access, Fully Refereed, and Peer Reviewed Journal.Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, International Online Journal with High Impact Factor. Being a Monthly Journal, 12 issues are published per year. This journal also acts as a host of International and National Conferences to publish their research work.
International Journal of Pharmacy Research (IJPR)
https://ijpr.co.inABOUT THE JOURNAL. Welcome to International Journal of Pharmacy Research (IJPR) International Journal Of Pharmacy Research is a quarterly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research articles, review articles, short communications of recent advances in all areas relevant to the pharmaceutical sciences-including pharmaceutics, pharmacology, …
International journal of pharmacology research - Home
ijprjournal.orgInternational Journal of Pharmacy. International Journal of pharmacology research is an international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, scheduled to appear bi-annual and serve as a means for scientific information exchange in the international pharmaceutical forum.
Home Page [ijpronline.com]
ijpronline.comIJPR is peer reviewed online journal which is also available in print version. The motto behind the journal is to help students, researchers and scientist worldwide to benefit from the high quality peer reviewed articles and to their high performing works in the entire arena of pharmaceutical science.