IJSEM - International Journal of Science Engineering and ...
https://ijsem.orgAbout IJSEM. International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM) Welcomes researchers and academicians to submit their original research work which meets the journal criteria of significance and scientific excellence. IJSEM is a scholarly online open access and peer reviewed journal emphasizing on research studies and application in the field of Science, …
International Journal of Science Engineering and ... - IJSEM
www.ijsem.org › faqOnline Only. USD 75/ INR 2500/EUR 65 upto 8 Pages. Each additional page. USD 5/ INR 200/EUR 2 per page. Online Payment. 2. Why are you charging article processing fees at these levels? All manuscripts published in IJSEM are open access. Articles published in our journal infers that all readers, anywhere in the world, are allowed unhindered to ...
IJSEM - International Journal of Science Engineering and ...
ijsem.orgIJSEM is a scholarly online open access and peer reviewed journal emphasizing on research studies and application in the field of Science, Engineering and Management. Researchers are requested to submit their original articles online for a peer review and analysis before its publication.