Image segmentation - Google Colab › segmentationImage segmentation has many applications in medical imaging, self-driving cars and satellite imaging to name a few. This tutorial uses the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset ). The dataset consists of images of 37 pet breeds, with 200 images per breed (~100 each in the training and test splits). Each image includes the corresponding labels, and pixel-wise ...
Google Colab › github › MarkDaoustSegmentation is the process of generating pixel-wise segmentations giving the class of the object visible at each pixel. For example, we could be identifying the location and boundaries of people within an image or identifying cell nuclei from an image. Formally, image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning an image into a set of ...
Google Colab, image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning an image into a set of pixels that we desire to identify (our target) and the background. Specifically, in this tutorial we will be using the Kaggle Carvana Image Masking Challenge Dataset. This dataset contains a large number of car images, with each car taken from different ...