27.10.2020 · NameError: name 'ImageTK' is not defined. An example of it running correctly (in a function showing a dice roll) : img = Image.open (" {}.png".format (rand_num)) die_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage (img) die.config (image=die_img) die.update () Versus.
Hey guys. I'm working on a simple hangman program. I got the core engine down working in a command prompt, and now I'm making it using classes and a GUI. I'm using tkinter. Anyway, everything works with no error, but the image is not displaying at all. …
Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. build apk flutter command · android glide · how to query in firestore · import keras pip · install ...
The Tkinter keyword is "image" not "self.image"; see the example here. Also, a label is usually in a frame or some other container. Finally, you can not mix ...
I am using Tkinter to display images in a Toplevel() but when I put it inside of a function it doesn't work(This is very beginner I know) # -*- coding: ...
14.07.2017 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. I am currently using the raspberry pi and I realized that the latest version of python that it uses is python 3 or 3.5, so if you don't download ImageTk for python 3 or higher, it will not work. you can do this by using this code: sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk.
ImageTk Module¶ · im – A PIL image. The size must match the target region. If the mode does not match, the image is converted to the mode of the bitmap image.
sudo apt-get install python-pil.imagetk. For python3 type: sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk. To import Image and ImageTk: from PIL import Image, ImageTk. There's a typo in your script, it will be PhotoImage : main_photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage (main_image) Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications.
I wanted to do an image viewer for a photo catalog project. Here is the code: [php] import Image, ImageTk from Tkinter import * filename = "C:/Pictures/2006/200