POP, IMAP, and SMTP settings - support.microsoft.com
support.microsoft.com › en-us › officeIMAP Settings. POP Settings. SMTP Settings. Microsoft 365. Outlook. Hotmail. Live.com. Server: outlook.office365.com. Port: 993. Encryption: SSL/TLS. Server: outlook.office365.com. Port: 995. Encryption: SSL/TLS. Server: smtp.office365.com. Port: 587. Encryption: STARTTLS. MSN. Server: imap-mail.outlook.com. Port: 993. Encryption: SSL/TLS. Server: pop-mail.outlook.com. Port: 995
how to configure imap in outlook 365
flobil.com › gadi › how-to-configure-imap-in-outlookMar 18, 2022 · To add a new IMAP account: Open Outlook and click on the File tab. Enter your email address. After you've added your users to Microsoft 365 or Office 365, you can use Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) to migrate email for those users from their IMAP-enabled email servers. Launch the Microsoft Outlook application in your Windows system.