Impact factor – Wikipedia factor ( IF) (engelsk for «innflytelsesfaktor»), egentlig Journal Impact Factor ( JIF ), er et mål på gjennomsnittlige siteringer av artikler publisert i vitenskapelige tidsskrifter, fortrinnsvis innen matematisk - naturvitenskapelige fag og medisin, men også innen endel samfunnsvitenskaper.
Nature Portfolio academic journal impact factors › en › supportJan 20, 2021 · An impact factor is, broadly speaking, a measurement of the "the average number of times recent articles in a specific journal were cited in a particular year". For example: The impact factor for 2003 was based on citations made in 2003 to articles published 2001 and 2002. Click Impact factors for all of the Nature Publishing Group Journals.
Nature (journal) - Wikipedia's journal impact factor carries a long tail. [37] As with most other professional scientific journals, papers undergo an initial screening by the editor, followed by peer review (in which other scientists, chosen by the editor for expertise with the subject matter but who have no connection to the research under review, will read and critique articles), before publication.