French Language Exercises - Columbia University · Welcome to our website of French self-correcting exercises. You can use it to learn aspects of French grammar or to consolidate ones that you have already learned but for which you need practice (and correction!) For each chapter, you may wish to first acquaint yourself with the grammar points. However, if you are already quite sure of the ...
L’impératif: the imperative in French › en › grammarThe imperative is a mood that we use to give an order or a suggestion to one or more people. Examples: Arrêtez ! Stop! Montez ! Get in! Conduisez-moi à la gare ! Drive me to the station! Sometimes we include ourselves in the order and use the imperative in the first person plural form ( nous ).
Impératif – Free Exercise › verbs › imperatifExercise. Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person singular (tu). (parler/avec elle) ! [Talk to her!]|Present-tense form of the 1 st person singular. The pronoun is omitted.|We remove the er -ending and add e. (finir/ton exercice) ! [Finish your exercise!]|Present-tense form of the 1 st person singular.
A l'impératif!-French> Other French exercises on the same topic: Imperative [Change theme] > Similar tests: - The Present Imperative - Impératif présent - Impératif présent - Impératif : Formation et valeurs - Impératif - Verbes à l'impératif présent - Conjugaison : L'impératif présent. - Présent de l'impératif > Double-click on words you don't understand
Imperative sentences-French › cgi2 › myexamFaire attention à la peinture. (SUB) => Que l'on fasse attention à la peinture ! Que l'on change de direction! (INF) => Changer de direction. A l'impératif, conjuguer à la 2e personne (vous) Au subjonctif utiliser 'on' : => 'Qu'on...'. Twitter Share. French exercise "Imperative sentences" created by anonyme with The test builder. Click here to see the current stats of this French test.