Myrotanian verbs - MicroWiki · Imperfect (Subjunctive Mood) There are three irregulars to this: haten, zyn and benyrn. 1st person singular: -er; 2nd person singular: -eré; 3rd person singular: -er; 1st person plural: -erm; 2nd person plural: -eror; 3rd person plural: -ern; Affirmative Imperative Mood. There are three irregulars: zyn, and'n and kumn. 2nd person singular ...
The Imperfect Subjunctive › 01_parents › oneil_jThe imperfect tense of the subjunctive expresses potential action or non-factual actionfrom the viewpoint of the past tense. In English, the helping verbs might and would are used to express the imperfect subjunctive. In Latin, the imperfect subjunctive is almost always used in a subordinate clause; there is no hortatory subjunctive which uses ...