Explicit and implicit methods - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explicit_and_implicit_methodsExplicit and implicit methods are approaches used in numerical analysis for obtaining numerical approximations to the solutions of time-dependent ordinary and partial differential equations, as is required in computer simulations of physical processes. Explicit methods calculate the state of a system at a later time from the state of the system at the current time, while implicit methods find a solution by solving an equation involving both the current state of the system and the later one…
java - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3971662726.09.2016 · Implicit: When something is available as a feature/aspect of the programming language constructs being used. And you have to do nothing but call the respective functionality through the API/interface directly. For example Garbage collection in java happens implicitly. The JVM does it for us at an appropriate time.