Import - Wikipedia import is the receiving country in an export from the sending country. Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade. In international trade, the importation and exportation of goods are limited by import quotas and mandates from the customsauthority. The importing and ex…
import – Store norske leksikon er varer og tjenester som bringes inn i et land (importeres) fra utlandet. Varer og tjenester som bringes ut av et land, regnes som eksport. Import og eksport utgjør til sammen et lands handel med utlandet (utenrikshandel). Forholdet mellom eksport og import i et land er gitt ved handelsbalansen og utenriksregnskapet. Handelsbalansen er en viktig indikator i …
Import - definition of import by The Free Dictionary › importimport ( imˈpoːt) verb to bring in (goods etc) from abroad usually for sale. We import wine from France. importar (ˈimpoːt) noun 1. something which is imported from abroad. Our imports are greater than our exports. importación 2. the act of bringing in goods from abroad. the import of wine. importación ˌimporˈtation noun importación imˈporter noun