Matlab M-Files - Import Data › matlab_m_files › matlab_mMatlab M-Files - Import Data. In this chapter, we will understand how to import data from an existing m-file in MATLAB. Consider the m-file firstmfile.m. The contents of the file are as follows −. When you execute the file, the data variables are available in the workspace, as shown below −. Let us clear the workspace and the command prompt.
Import Matlab m-file back to COMSOL › forum › threadAug 04, 2009 · Any ways to import those as well. if you have matlab connection to comsol, you can save the m file from comsol, modify the file in matlab and then re-load the so-modified file in comsol (file>open>.mfile). Anyway, you can also export the fem structure (file>export>fem) and view the variable within the matlab workspace.
MATLAB - Data Import Text Data Files with Low-Level I/O. MATLAB provides the following functions for low-level import of text data files −. The fscanf function reads formatted data in a text or ASCII file.. The fgetl and fgets functions read one line of a file at a time, where a newline character separates each line.. The fread function reads a stream of data at the byte or bit level.