How to import win32api and win32con - Python Forum › thread-16213So I'm trying to import win32api and win32con. So I was researching and I found that I needed pywin32 to do this. So I used pip and installed it but python still said pywin32 was an invalid module. So I'm kinda stuck. Can someone help me? I tried this. from PyWin32 import win32api, win32con I also tried this from pywin32 import win32api, win32con
Releases · mhammond/pywin32 · GitHub changes. If you use pip: pip install pywin32 --upgrade A number of things don't work via pip, so you may choose to install binaries - but you must choose both the correct Python version and "bittedness". Note that due to changes in Python there are no binary installers for version 3.10 32bit, so pypi is your only option there.