The Power of Visual Communication › the-difference › the-power-ofimportant messages are heard and acted upon. This paper builds on our 2016 white paper “The Chemistry of Communication: Framing your communication to cut through the noise1” by exploring the important role of visual communications in securing buy-in to your message. We hope that by understanding why and how visuals
THE IMPORTANCE OF VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS › assets › liveDefined as the transmission of information and ideas using symbols and imagery, visual communication is one of three main types of communications, the others being verbal (speaking) and non-verbal (tone, body language, etc.). For most marketers, however, visual communication easily eclipses both other forms, and for good reason!
Using Visuals to Support Communication › wp-content › uploadsCommunication Starting/Finishing Activities For some pupils, it is important to know when activities are starting and even more importantly, when they are finishing. This will reduce confusion and support their understanding. There are lots of different visual supports you can use, depending on a pupil’s