Tabular core | fastai › tabularNov 29, 2021 · 'object' type columns are categorified, which can save a lot of memory in large dataset. It can be turned off by obj2cat=False. int2uint=True, to fit int types to uint types, if all data in the column is >= 0. columns can be excluded by name using excl_cols=['col1','col2'].
blurr | blurr - GitHub Pages › blurrAdded LOTS of examples (using low/high-level APIs, using Hugging Face datasets, and handling all the GLUE tasks) Updated so you can now use Blurr on Windows (H/T to @EinAeffchen for the fix) 06/16/2021. Updated to work with fastai 2.4; Removed blurr_summary as Learner.summary works with fastai 2.4
Vision data | fastai · The main classes defined in this module are ImageDataLoaders and SegmentationDataLoaders, so you probably want to jump to their definitions.They provide factory methods that are a great way to quickly get your data ready for …