I am trying to import an ipynb file in a Jupyter Notebook in VS Code. However I am getting the following error everytime: I have also used pip to install ...
greazer changed the title Importing notebooks requires Jupyter nbconvert but users is not prompted to do so. Exporting notebooks to script requires Jupyter nbconvert but users is not prompted to do so. Oct 7, 2021
20.10.2021 · I am trying to export a Julia Jupyter Notebook to pdf. I installed last version of Julia and VS Code (and the Julia and jupyter extension on VS Code) I can do fine in jupyter notebooks, the code runs and it's saved on .ipynb format. So this is what i've done: In the cmd I just put. py -m pip install jupyter py -m pip install nbconvert
01.10.2018 · We run python -m jupyter nbconvert --version to determine if it's there or not. Although this might be related to us picking the wrong jupyter kernelspec. See issue microsoft/vscode-python#3343
31.12.2020 · If you run the "Jupyter: Select interpreter to start Jupyter server" command in vscode you should see an interpreter listed. Try making sure that nbconvert is installed into that interpreter / environment.