Index Copernicus - Opening Science
https://indexcopernicus.comIndex Copernicus - Opening Science Potencjał zasobu wiedzy Badania służące opracowaniu autorskiej koncepcji mierzenia wartości jednostki naukowej opartej na pomiarze potencjału zasobu wiedzy. Ścieżka rozwoju czasopisma naukowego Funkcjonalny model ścieżki rozwoju czasopisma naukowego do osiągnięcia międzynarodowej pozycji i prestiżu.
Index Copernicus International | Publons › publisher › 18116Index Copernicus International. Index Copernicus, in cooperation with the scientific environment, is also proposing comprehensive cooperation in publishing. The offer is adapted individually to the needs and expectations of the Editor. It includes both the implementation of the publishing process (in Polish, English, and others) and the process ...
Index Copernicus - Opening Science Copernicus - Opening Science Потенциал ресурса знаний Исследования по разработке авторской концепции определения уровня научной организации, основанного на измерении потенциала ресурса знаний. Путь развития научного журнала Функциональная модель пути развития научного журнала к достижению международной позиции и престижа.
Index Copernicus - Wikipedia Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed information, including scientist profiles, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland, and operated by Index Copernicus International. The database, named after Nicolaus Copernicus (who triggered the Copernican Revolution), has several assessment tools to track the impact of scientific works and publications, individual scientists, or research institutions. In addition to th…
Index Copernicus - Wikipedia › wiki › Index_CopernicusIndex Copernicus. Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed information, including profiles of scientists, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland, and operated by Index Copernicus International. The database, named after Nicolaus Copernicus (who triggered the ...
Index Copernicus - Opening Science Copernicus - Opening Science Research Outcome Potential Research for developing an original concept of measuring values scientific unit, based on the measurement of the research outcome potential. The path of scientific journal development The functional model of the development of scientific journal path
Login - Index Copernicus Copernicus. Parametrisation. ICI Journals Master List; Predatory Journals practices; ICI Science Evaluation; Popularisation. ICI World of Journals; ICI Publishers Panel; Publishing of Scientific Journals; Scientific Marketing; Commercialization. ICI Science Management; Research and Development. News; EU Funds;
Index Copernicus - Publisher - Scilit › publisherIndex databases, Number of journals indexed, Percentage of articles indexed in 2021. COMPENDEX, 2, 2.15. DOAJ, 10, 7.3. EBSCO, 6, 7.76. ESCI, 4, 5.43.