pandas.DataFrame.reset_index — pandas 1.3.5 documentation › pandas-docs › stableReset the index, or a level of it. Reset the index of the DataFrame, and use the default one instead. If the DataFrame has a MultiIndex, this method can remove one or more levels. Parameters level int, str, tuple, or list, default None. Only remove the given levels from the index. Removes all levels by default. drop bool, default False. Do not try to insert index into dataframe columns.
AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'tz ... › quantopian › alphalensFeb 27, 2017 · I've tried following up your guidance but not successful yet. My case the first dataset is multiindex, levels[0] is date in dtype='object', length=506) format, levels[1] is tickers' name, meanwhile the second dataset is single index, the date in dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', length=506, freq='C' format. Could you give a hand for that please ...