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index of dispersion ecology

Density and Dispersion | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature
https://www.nature.com › library
The ratio of the variance to the mean can then be used to determine whether the pattern is uniform or clumped, and is referred to as the index of dispersion ( ...
I σ-Index, a measure of dispersion of individuals | SpringerLink
https://link.springer.com › article
As theI σ-index is neither affected by the mean per sample unit except for regular ... if necessary, for the analysis of data in the ecological works.
A Statistical Manual For Forestry Research - Food and ...
https://www.fao.org › ...
(i) Index of dispersion : The variance-to-mean ratio or index of dispersion (ID) is ... are given here for general ecological or forest management studies.
The Index-of-Dispersion Test Revisited | SpringerLink
link.springer.com › chapter › 10
In quantitative ecology the classical index-of-dispersion is widely used for testing the hypothesis of spatial randomness. However, spatial aggregation of individuals is often observed in field experiments, so that the test will frequently reject the hypothesis without indicating any alternatives.
Density and Dispersion | Learn Science at Scitable
18.01.2022 · Behavioral and ecological factors influence dispersion. ... and is referred to as the index of dispersion (Krebs 1999). In this case the ratio is 20, which is much greater than 1!
Density and Dispersion | Learn Science at Scitable
www.nature.com › density-and-dispersion-19688035
These three figures illustrate the three different patterns of dispersion that ecologists observe. Clumped dispersion (Figure 1) where individuals are aggregated in certain areas of the sampled space.
Index of Dispersion - NIST
www.itl.nist.gov › div898 › software
Jan 24, 2017 · The index of dispersion should typically only be used for data measured on a ratio scale. That is, the data should be have a meaningful zero. The index of dispersion is sometimes used for count data. If the count data follows a Poisson distribution, then the mean and variance should be equal and the index of dispersion is 1.
Index of dispersion - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › In...
The relevance of the index of dispersion is that it has a value of one when the probability distribution of the number of occurrences in an interval is a ...
I σ -Index, a measure of dispersion of individuals - The ...
https://esj-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › ...
Conclusion and summary As the Iσ-index is neither affected by the mean per sample unit ... if necessary, for the analysis of data in the ecological works.
The Index-of-Dispersion Test Revisited | SpringerLink
In quantitative ecology the classical index-of-dispersion is widely used for testing the hypothesis of spatial randomness. However, spatial aggregation of individuals is often observed in field experiments, so that the test will frequently reject the hypothesis without indicating any …
Index of dispersion - Wikipedia
The first to discuss the use of a test to detect deviations from a Poisson or binomial distribution appears to have been Lexis in 1877. One of the tests he developed was the Lexis ratio. This index was first used in botany by Clapham in 1936. If the variates are Poisson distributed then the index of dispersion is distributed as a χ statistic with n - 1 degrees of freedom when n is large and is μ > 3. For many cases of interest this appro…
Index of dispersion - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Index_of_dispersion
In probability theory and statistics, the index of dispersion, dispersion index, coefficient of dispersion, relative variance, or variance-to-mean ratio (VMR), like the coefficient of variation, is a normalized measure of the dispersion of a probability distribution: it is a measure used to quantify whether a set of observed occurrences are clustered or dispersed compared to a standard ...
On the Power of the Index of Dispersion Test to Detect Spatial ...
https://www.jstor.org › stable
Key Words. Plant ecology; Power of tests; Quadrat methods; Spatial pattern; Tests of randomness. BIOMETRICS 35, 613-622. September ...
Index of dispersion - Variance-to-Mean Ratio - VMR
www.quantshare.com › item-1029-index-of-dispersion
Index of dispersion, also called dispersion index or variance to mean ratio, is a normalized measure unlike the standard deviation. It can be used, for example, to compare the volatility of different assets. VMR (variance-to-mean ratio = index of dispersion) is equal to zero in the case of a constant random variable (not dispersed).
PopEcol Dispersion/Poisson
http://www.uwyo.edu › dbmcd › d...
Patterns of dispersion for organisms in a study area. By dividing the area into ... What's the probability distribution of number of animals per quadrat?
Chapter 6, Spatial Pattern and Indices of Dispersion - UBC ...
https://www.zoology.ubc.ca › ~krebs › downloads
Organisms are not spread at random across the landscape, and one important question of landscape ecology is the pattern of individuals in ...
Index of dispersion - Variance-to-Mean Ratio - VMR
Index of dispersion, also called dispersion index or variance to mean ratio, is a normalized measure unlike the standard deviation. It can be used, for example, to compare the volatility of different assets. VMR (variance-to-mean ratio = index of dispersion) is equal to zero in the case of a constant random variable (not dispersed).
Index of Dispersion - NIST
24.01.2017 · The index of dispersion should typically only be used for data measured on a ratio scale. That is, the data should be have a meaningful zero. The index of dispersion is sometimes used for count data. If the count data follows a Poisson distribution, then the mean and variance should be equal and the index of dispersion is 1.
http://aloki.hu › pdf
research on spatial patterns, the indices of aggregation or dispersion are determined, and their application is essential for ecological studies or ...