The Sound of Music- Salzburg Global Seminar › the-sound-of-musicThe Sound of Music. The Sound of Music. The story of the von Trapp family has fascinated the entire world since the film version of "The Sound of Music" aired in 1965. When production began in Salzburg in 1964 nobody dreamed that this movie would become famous throughout the world. The leading actress, Julie Andrews, had recently made her successful debut in the Hollywood classic "Mary Poppins" and seemed predestined to play the part of a nanny.
Sound of Music – Wikipedia of Music er en musikal som er skrevet av Richard Rodgers og Oscar Hammerstein II om den klosterutdannede, foreldreløse Maria Rainer, som blir guvernante for enkemannen kaptein Georg von Trapps syv barn. Hun blir raskt glad i barna, og de i henne. Maria innser etterhvert at hun har følelser for Georg og vender tilbake til klosteret hvor abbedissen i klosteret råder henne …
The Sound of Music (film) – Wikipedia Sound of Music er en Oscar-belønnet amerikansk drama- og filmmusikal fra 1965 regissert og produsert av Robert Wise. Hovedrollene spilles av Julie Andrews og Christopher Plummer. Den er basert på Richard Rodgers og Oscar Hammersteins musikal med samme tittel fra 1959. Filmen ble belønnet med fem Oscar, inkludert for Beste film, samt to Golden Globe og en pris hver fra Writers …
The Sound of Music - everything about the film
www.sound-of-music.comWhen the Sound of Music was released in 1965 it took the world by storm, earning five Oscars. For millions of people, the film is the rare combination of a powerful and moving story, first rate music, and breathtaking scenery of Salzburg! The musical tells the story of Maria, who takes a job as governess to a large family while she decides ...
Search SoundEffects - University of Washington › SoundEffectsIndex of Sound Effects. Search for sound effects by entering keywords in the "Description" box using the following special operators: Use ' & ' for ' and '; for example, enter ' drums & rock ' to find all records containing both words. Use ' / ' for ' or '; for example enter ' ice / snow ' to find records containing either word.
The Sound of Music - everything about the film
https://www.sound-of-music.comWhen the Sound of Music was released in 1965 it took the world by storm, earning five Oscars. For millions of people, the film is the rare combination of a powerful and moving story, first rate music, and breathtaking scenery of Salzburg!. The musical tells the story of Maria, who takes a job as governess to a large family while she decides whether to become a nun.