Direct and Indirect Effects of Neuroticism on Internet Addiction in College Students: A Structure Equation Modeling Analysis Psychol Rep . 2021 Apr;124(2):611-626. doi: 10.1177/0033294120918806.
Research exploring the development of adolescent drug use has focused much attention on family and peer influences. Most of this research has concentrated ...
09.07.2019 · Drug abuse can lead to all kinds of severe consequences that can wreak havoc onto people and to all those who surround them. It can lead to a combination of direct and indirect consequences as well. If you’re addicted to drugs, they may …
A path analysis was performed to examine the usefulness of multiple pathway risk factors in explaining and predicting youthful alcohol, tobacco, and other ...
Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO . Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu L (VNLVHKLU7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ Murat Topal LL. 6DNDU\D8QLYHUVLW\ Deniz Mertkan …
The specific effects associated with substance misuse depend on the substances used, how much and how often they are used, how they are taken (e.g., orally vs.